The 7 Most Annoying Lawyers

The 7 Most Annoying Lawyers

Attorneys might be annoying to begin with, especially when they have a case against you and are winning it. But some attorneys bring it to a whole new level, and nothing amplifies the annoyingness of such legislators as gaining some political status. “Representing” a group of people politically allows such lawyers to open and air their personal opinions, obnoxious though they may be, in the name of “representing common opinion.”


Peter King is considered annoying by some, especially those left-leaning folks. Earning his J.D. from the University of Notre Dame Law School in 1968, and then working for the Nassau County District Attorney’s Office, it was in fact his political career that peeved his opponents. He voted for the Wall Street bailout but against the 2009 economic stimulus package – though that was not particularly un-Republican of him. He voted to keep “Don’t ask, don’t tell” military policies. He opposed McCain’s efforts to end the torture of terrorist suspects, and has been called “the Patriot Act’s most fervent fan.” His entire career finds him supporting the wrong side of important media issues, such as when he became co-sponsor of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). Regarding Occupy Wall street, he seemed to embody the voice of the Man when he said:

“We have to be careful not to allow this to get any legitimacy. I’m taking this seriously in that I’m old enough to remember what happened in the 1960s when the left-wing took to the streets and somehow the media glorified them and it ended up shaping policy. We can’t allow that to happen.”

Nevertheless, he may have been able to justify all that with a few of his comments on Michael Jackson:

“Let’s knock out the psychobabble. He was a pervert, a child molester, he was a pedophile. And to be giving this much coverage to him, day in and day out, what does it say about us as a country? I just think we’re too politically correct. No one wants to stand up and say we don’t need Michael Jackson. He died, he had some talent, fine. There’s men and women dying every day in Afghanistan. Let’s give them the credit they deserve.”


Jesse Jackson Jr. may be annoying if not for the fact that he seems to piggy-back on his father’s (in)famous public standing. He never sat on a bar exam, but did manage to land a J.D.  Democrats may be annoyed that he supports the Right to Life foundation, despite his party allegiance, but that may be evidence of having a mind of his own. He and his wife plead guilty to misusing campaign funds in February 2013.


Chris Dodd, an Democrat politician, was during his bachelor years known as the only senator to have a bad influence on Ted Kenney – forming a “human sandwich” with a waitress in 1985 and getting in a food fight at a Dunkin’ Donuts in 1978. He received more money than any democratic senator from Arthur Anderson while legislating that such firms be exempt from fraud liability.


Rick Santorum does not believe a “right to privacy” is in the constitution, and is pretty much obnoxious on how liberal hot button issues, opposing same-sex marriage, abortion rights, or even contraception rights. Things like polygamy, adulterer, and sodomy should be legislated against. He compared homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality in interviews. His “war on porn” also highlights his intense Christian leanings.


Barack Obama is to many an annoying lawyer, especially course, to those who voted against him. But as far as annoyingness, it is mostly regarding his actions as a president, from foisting Obamacare over the nation to his penchant for appearing in where the cameras are pointing rather than where they should point, such as making a national speech about drug addict Whitney Houston’s death but avoiding talking about more worthy war heroes.


Johnnie Cochran was such an annoying lawyer, that he even inspired a Seinfeld parody lawyer. From his sing-song stupidity about O.J.’s glove – “if it doesn’t fit, you must acquit – to the bald fact that he was part of a team that managed for O.J. to literally get away with murder, as was transparent to anybody even modestly familiar with the case (he lost, for instance, in a second trial for “wrongful death.”). He tried to sell the idea, and seems to have succeeded, that the police had a conspiracy against O.J.


Gloria Allred isn’t a politician, but it’s her political manipulations that make her so annoying. Her “October Surprise” involved some nonsense case she opened just to bring discredit to Mitt Romney, but was otherwise not a matter of justice at all. She tried to open a criminal investigation against Rush Limbaugh for his comments against the law student who wanted her birth control paid for by her school – winning cheap public sympathy against remarks that were much funnier than generally admitted. Exploiting the justice system for political and celebrity posturing is sure to annoy anybody concerned with the honesty of law.

Nothing is more annoying than for an opinionated idiot to gain a megaphone, and that’s what a political career does for such lawyers.

Daniel June: Daniel June studied English literature at Michigan State University, graduating in 2003. Working a potpourri of jobs since, from cake-decorator to proofreader, his passion has always been writing, resulting in books of essays, novels, and children’s novellas.