The lawsuit was filed by Jennifer McCabe last week in Santa Fe who claims her chair collapsed as she leaned back in it, as was reported by Eyewitness News KOB.
Well let’s hope she isn’t successful. After all, she is claiming she has the right to compensation for falling out of a “think chair” she was assigned to, which apparently was missing a bolt. She is also going after New Mexico Office Furniture who sold and assembled the chair. But as anybody who knows chairs can tell you, those dang bolts are falling out all the time. Should universities hire bolt monitors?
“Only in America could you get away with something like that,” said UNM student Suraj Bhatka.
And another student said “It would be a tragedy for the school if tuition went up because of cases like this. But I mean — it sounds like kind of a ridiculous reason to make a lawsuit.”
There may be honor among thieves, but apparently no honor among lawyers, who even as students are eager to sue their alma maters.