Categories: Law Life

April Goals!

Before I get started today I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your supportive comments on yesterday’s post! I always get a little nervous posting things so personal, but I know many readers benefit from being able to relate to my story, so I’m glad I got such a good reaction! Thank you for being great readers!

Time just needs to stop. Seriously. APRIL!? I graduate in like… 7 weeks? Freaking out. Deep breaths. Not about graduating, but all the work I have to do in between. Oh and guess what starts the DAY AFTER graduation? My Bar review class. Fantastic, right? Glad I didn’t try to plan a post-graduation trip…

Haha okay, rant over. Since it’s the start of a new month that means I’m going to review my goals from March and make some new ones for April! For those of you who are new to the blog, I usually do this each month as just a way to reassess things, take a step back and look at what I’m doing. They aren’t hard-set rules, just things I’d like to accomplish.

First, let’s take a look at how I did in March:


1. Get an article published. Womp womp. I submitted a few things to BlogHer right after my March Goals post, but haven’t put any effort in this since…

2. Read 2 books for fun. YES! I read FIVE books in March, three of which you can read my reviews for here.

PicMonkey Collage 2

3. Make 2 recipes from my pinterest board. Um… yea no. I didn’t do much cooking at all, although I invented a new breakfast recipe! It will be up this week, I promise! So good. I did make a few snacks that I pinned though, like these two:

Flax Seed Bowl*CaNdY FiT*: Mini Protein Bites!

Alright, time for some new (and possibly more realistic…) goals.


1. Run outside at least once a week. I learned on my run this weekend that I really need to get outside more. It’s a lot less stable, which works different muscles, so if I’m going to be racing outdoors I need to be running outdoors more! The nice(ish) weather will help with this one!


2. Follow Jamie’s Intuitive Eating Challenge EVERY DAY. I am so glad that I’m doing Jamie’s IE Challenge, it’s kinda scary to be honest, but totally necessary. I want to really get the most out of this that I can, so I need to work on taking a little time each morning to think about it so I can keep it in mind all day.

3. Work on using positive affirmations and mantras. I’ve read a couple posts recently that reminded me the power of the mind. Ever since I stopped marathon training and got injured I’ve dropped all the great mantras I used to keep in my head, and I honestly think it has affected me. My goal this month is to work on re-incorporating those into my daily life.

Images via my pinterest account

Do you use mantras, for life or working out?

Do you prefer running inside or outside?

What’s a goal you’re working on?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.