Categories: Law Life

BBC Week 3 & OOTD

Hey everyone! I hope you’re all having a great weekend, I certainly am! Trying to get some work done though to prepare for finals, only two weeks of class left. Seriously, where did the last three years go?? Anyway, it’s Sunday so it’s time to re-cap last week’s workouts and see my plan for this upcoming week. This week was the beginning of phase 2 in Tina’s Boot Camp (there are 4 phases, each 2 weeks long). I really loved all the strength workouts in this phase, although they were hard!

Let’s take a look at last week:

Sunday – REST

Monday – Workout A + Cardio intervals

Tuesday – Cardio + Core workout

Wednesday – Workout B + 20 minutes steady state cardio

Thursday – Cardio + Core workout (Zumba only if my IT band is better)

Friday – Workout C + Cardio intervals

Saturday??? depends on IT band or REST

Sunday – REST easy cardio or yoga… haven’t decided

Shockingly I actually followed my workout plan this week! Haha, this is a rare thing, but it just worked really well with how I was feeling this week. I ran 1.5 miles on Tuesday outside and then headed to the gym for the rest of my cardio. Not the best thing for my IT band but after Monday I needed to run outside. Other than that, I took Saturday off because I had a busy schedule and wanted a relaxing morning.

Now, time for this week’s workout plan:


Sunday – REST

Monday – Workout A + Cardio intervals

Tuesday – Cardio + Core workout

Wednesday – Workout B + 20 minutes steady state cardio

Thursday – Cardio + Core workout

Friday – Workout C + Cardio intervals

Saturday – REST

Sunday – The Race that’s Good For Life 5K

Pretty much the same as last week, except for the Good For Life 5K on Sunday. This was originally my “goal race” to PR my 5K time, but I’ve barely run in the last couple of weeks because I was sick and then my IT band started acting up, so I don’t think that’s happening. All I want from this race is to be able to run it pain free!

Also, I have an outfit from this week for you all! I had another but I need to find a better way to get pictures because the lighting is just awful… you could barely see the navy dress since it was so dark! Looked like a blob. I’ll figure it out… maybe.

photo 1

Dress – Target; Cardigan – Old Navy; Tights – ??; Boots – Forever 21

I’ve had those boots for years, they were only $36 at Forever 21 and I always get compliments on them. I had to have them re-soled but it was worth it! And yes, my hair is straight. I hadn’t straightened it in about a year and wanted to see how long my hair was. So glad I don’t do that every day anymore…

Do you spend a lot of time on your hair? (I wash it, brush it, put some curly stuff it in, and walk away…)

Anyone else have a race coming up?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.