Categories: Law Life

Weekly Workouts & Baking!

Hello! I hope you’re all having a great weekend! I’ve got quite an eventful one over here, after Trivia Night with some friends at my school (SO MUCH FUN), we celebrated Lindsay’s birthday as well this weekend and now I’ve got a 5K race out in the suburbs this morning!

First let’s take a look at last week:

Sunday – REST

Monday – Workout A + Cardio intervals

Tuesday – Cardio + Core workout

Wednesday – Workout B + 20 minutes steady state cardio

Thursday – Cardio + Core workout

FridayWorkout C + Cardio intervals REST

SaturdayREST Workout C + Cardio intervals

Sunday – The Race that’s Good For Life 5K

I was pretty proud, for the second week in a row I managed to stick to my schedule really well! I think the key for me is heading to the gym early in the morning because if I put it off it doesn’t happen. Friday I decided to have a lazy morning and… well I just didn’t feel like going to the gym! I did walk quite a bit outside to run errands, and took this gorgeous dog to the park:

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Lots of stick chewing…

Now let’s take a look at next week!


Sunday – 5K Race

Monday – Workout A + Cardio

Tuesday – Cardio intervals + Core workout

Wednesday – Workout B + Cardio

Thursday – Cardio intervals + Core workout

Friday – Workout C + Cardio

Saturday – Yoga

I realize I repeated Sunday, but oh well… Granted the race hasn’t happened yet as I’m posting this! Haha, but otherwise I’ll be following Tina’s boot camp again although now we’re into phase 3! And I’m hoping to go to yoga either Saturday morning or Sunday morning. I enjoyed going last week so I’d love to try and go again.

Phase 2 had 2 workouts where we used “pulsing reps” which I really enjoyed. We did 5 reps of something (Such as a lunge) and then we’d pulse 5 times, 10 times, and then 15 times and that was one set! Haha one day we did so many squats I never wanted to do them again! But it was a great workout and a good way to mix it up. I’m excited to see how phase 3 goes!

As I mentioned before, we celebrated Lindsay’s birthday last night but yesterday before I headed over I decided to try out another Hungry Hungry Hippie recipe to bring and share with everyone! I saw her Bananaberry Crumble Bread and knew I had to make it ASAP, especially since it was so simple!

I totally forgot to take pictures while I was making it, but I loved that the batter turned out blue/purple from the blueberries!

It was really good (especially right out of the oven) and the friends I shared the second mini loaf with agreed!

Is anyone else finally getting spring weather? How are you enjoying it?

What was the last thing you made from a recipe/pin?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.