Categories: Law Life

The Race That’s Good For Life 5K Recap

Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend! I had a pretty awesome weekend, lots of time with my friends, including a fun 5K! There may have also been some nut butter making thrown in there somewhere too…


On Sunday morning, Lindsay, Kelsey and I headed out to Oak Park to run the Race That’s Good For Life 5K! The race is put on by the Oak Park Runners Club, which Erin is an active member of, so we had to come out and support her race! (By the way – Erin ran her MARATHON on Saturday and rocked it!!! Congrats Erin!!!).


Anyone notice what shirt I’m wearing? After last week’s Thursday Thoughts and all your comments on how I needed to wear my animal shirts out in public, I thought I’d bring one out for the race!


So stylish…

Anyway, the race was pretty small, and separated into men and women. I really liked this because then it was even smaller! We ran through the neighborhoods in Oak Park and it was really beautiful and a very well organized race. We had nothing but good things to say about the 5K!


Lindsay was super excited! Haha

It was definitely not my best race ever, but I expected that since I haven’t actually been running much lately… The last mile was rough on me, I had a hard time keeping up and my stomach was seriously cramping. But, as Lindsay said, at least I know where I’m at now so I know what I need to do to work on my 5K PR!

My IT band/hip isn’t thrilled… there will be lots of foam rolling this week. Thankfully, Lindsay and Kelsey pushed me to the finish I came in seconds behind them at 26:22. Not shabby!

With all that being said, I’m glad we all decided to run the 5K and I had a lot of fun, plus we loved the carnations that they gave us at the end of the race! I highly recommend checking out this 5K next year if you live in the Chicago area, we all want to run it again!

Have you run a race recently?

What’s a fitness/physical goal that you’re working on?

Did you do anything with friends this weekend?

All photos in today’s post are courtesy of the lovely Kelsey.

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.