Video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Smoking Crack for Sale

Video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Smoking Crack for Sale

Drug dealers are not to be trusted. Rob Ford, conservative mayor of Toronto, has now found this out the hard way. The Somalian men who apparently supply the mayor with crack cocaine have decided to make some money from a video of the mayor consuming their wares. The video appears to have been taken within the last 6 months and features the mayor ingesting crack while intoxicated. The drug-dealers are asking 6-figures for the video and have shown it to some people at The Star, a Toronto Newspaper, as well as to Gawker’s John Cook.

This photograph of the mayor shows the mayor with Anthony Smith, a 21-year-old college student was was recently killed in a shooting. The photograph was given as a token of good faith to Cook and others that the video would deliver on what it promised. Gawker’s Cook gave an extended first-person account of his conversation with the nefarious drug-dealers, culminating in a description of the video they showed him, which has not been released to the public yet:

Here is what the video shows: Rob Ford, the mayor of Toronto, is the only person visible in the frame. Prior to the trip, I spent a lot of time looking at photographs of Rob Ford. The man in the video is Rob Ford. It is well-lit, clear. Ford is seated, in a room in a house. In one hand is a clear, glass pipe. The kind with a big globe and two glass cylinders sticking out of it. In the other hand is a lighter. A slurred voice off-camera is ranting about Canadian politics in what sounds like an attempt to goad Ford. “Pierre Trudeau was a faggot!” is the one phrase the lodges in my mind. Ford, pipe in one hand and lighter in the other, is laughing, and mildly protesting at the sacrilege. He seems to keep trying to light the pipe, but keeps stopping to laugh. He is red-faced and sweaty, heaving with each breath. Finally, he finds his moment and lights up. He inhales.

Not willing to pay for the video himself, he offers a general invitation to the public, which is entirely creepy: “If you want to buy it, let me know I can put you in touch with a guy.”

Anyway, the details on that account have been redoubled by reporters from the Star, who bothered to watch the video three times, also without making any sort of purchase thereof. As they explain it in the Star:

Two Toronto Star reporters have viewed the video three times. It appears to show Ford in a room, sitting in a chair, wearing a white shirt, top buttons open, inhaling from what appears to be a glass crack pipe. Ford is incoherent, trading jibes with an off-camera speaker who goads the clearly impaired mayor by raising topics including Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau and the Don Bosco high school football team Ford coaches.

“I’m f—ing right-wing,” Ford appears to mutter at one point. “Everyone expects me to be right-wing. I’m just supposed to be this great.…” and his voice trails off. At another point he is heard calling Trudeau a “fag.” Later in the 90-second video he is asked about the football team and he appears to say (though he is mumbling), “they are just f—ing minorities.”

As I said, drug-dealers – can’t trust em. They are seeking $200,000 for the footage, and when asked why they were selling it, they said they want to move out West to Calgary and start new lives. Well, good luck with that.

Meanwhile, Ford isn’t the only prominent man being incriminated in this, but so is his lifelong friend, some of his staff, his brother, and others.

Image Credit: Toronto Star

Daniel June: Daniel June studied English literature at Michigan State University, graduating in 2003. Working a potpourri of jobs since, from cake-decorator to proofreader, his passion has always been writing, resulting in books of essays, novels, and children’s novellas.