Categories: Law Life

June Goals

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I had an amazing time at home with my family celebrating my cousin’s wedding – more to come on my weekend tomorrow or Wednesday! You know what else happened this weekend? The first of June! Those of you who have been reading for a while now know that I have new “goals” at the beginning of each month. Although I don’t always follow them perfectly, I like to stop every once in a while, step back, and reassess certain areas of my life. Sometimes life is speeding by and it’s important to stop and reflect for a moment, which is something I like about doing these goal posts!

First up, I like to recap how I did with the previous month’s goals:


1. Graduate law school. BOOM! Done! Granted we still haven’t gotten grades back… But hey, I’ve got the photos to prove it!


2. Stay in a good mindset. Doing pretty good! I have to say the IE Challenge was a big turning point for me and how I feel about myself and my life. There is just SO MUCH more to life than being perfect, what other people think of you, and especially your weight. Worrying so much about those things was keeping me from enjoying my life, and now that I’m slowly letting all of that go I’m much more relaxed.

photo 3 (8)

3. Make 1 recipe a week. I think I did this? Haha I had to go back over posts to check! I didn’t even go grocery shopping the week after graduation, so no recipes there, but the first week of May I made a lentil dal that lasted me a while, the second week I made a bunch of new salad mixes, and last week I tried several new overnight oats recipes to help with time management in the mornings! And do vodka gummy bears count?

So now it’s time for my goals for June!


1. Keep up with strength training. As I mentioned last week, I decided to start doing Jamie Eason’s Livefit trainer. I’m NOT following the meal plan or the exact workout plan for that matter, I’m just using the strength workouts and doing a little less cardio in hopes of getting stronger. I’ve only been doing it for a week but it’s a nice change for now!

2. Bring lunch at least 3 days a week. Same with my goal last month, I want to try and prep ahead of time as much as I can so I’m not spending a ton of money eating out. I also want to be realistic and realize that right now being focused on studying during the week is #1 so I want to be flexible about it as well, hence the three day goal! I’m also hoping to keep up with overnight oats since it cuts about 15 minutes of making breakfast out of my mornings (very helpful when you’re up at 4:50am!).

3. Have fun. Studying for the Bar is most important for the next two months, but I also know I’ll focus better on school if I also take some time to relax and enjoy time with my friends. I definitely need some recharge time to really throw myself into work. Like impromptu Cubs v. White Sox games…

Do you try and pack lunch or do you eat out often?

What’s your favorite kind of exercise right now?

What’s the best recipe you’ve tried recently?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.