The latest battle for gender equality is happening in the bathroom. Where should transgender schoolgirls be permitted to pee? While not everybody is even convinced that one can be a “girl trapped in a boy’s body,” others claim that this is a real mental condition, and that such people have the right to be treated according to the gender they identify with, as is the curious case of the 6-year-old boy who identifies as a girl and whose parents are demanding she have permission to use the girl’s room like the other little girls – denying the schools offer that she use the nurses office. 15-year-old Nicole Maines is in court in Maine saying that since she identifies as a girl, she should be allowed to use the girl’s bathroom as well. That the school denies this she sees as a violation of Maine’s Human Rights Act, as the New Republic reported.
A state court judge did not agree, and Maines was denied the right to use the bathroom of her choosing, and so the transgender girl is taking the case to the Supreme court on Wednesday.
It is uncertain to many whether just because they support gay marriages or the possibility of a female president, they have to support this sort of issue as well, though the designation “LGBT rights” specifically lists “transgender” as one of the four alternatives to “heterosexual rights.”
Gender segregated bathrooms is not a worldwide practice, but it seems to be becoming problematic in the United States with people who identify themselves as transgender. That this does not exhaust sexual categories is also relevant: cross-dressers might also wish to use a bathroom different than what is expected of them by custom. So the bathroom wars will attack some common sense customs of the U.S. and put transgender rights back alongside the LGBT in the battle for equal rights.