KFC Considers Suing “Hitler Fried Chicken”

KFC Considers Suing “Hitler Fried Chicken”

Hitler’s all the rave in Bangkok, Thailand, where prankish children have taken the “face” of World War 2, the stern and frowning Fuhrer, and put him in cartoons, on t-shirts, on posters, in what CNN labeled “Hitler chic.” One of the latest examples is this poster of Hitler fried chicken, clearly a parody of KFC. And the Colonel ain’t laughing. Yum!, parent company of KFC, is considering suing the Thailand restaurant.

“We find it extremely distasteful and are considering legal action since it is an infringement of our brand trademark and had nothing to do with us,” said a spokesman for KFC to the Huffington Post. Maybe PETA could make use of it?

The food at Hitler’s restaurant is reportedly “not bad,” and when a server was asked why they chose Hitler as their icon, “He just shrugged his shoulders and said the owners had thought it was a good image.”

I guess things must be different in the East than they are in the West. If you ask just about anybody in America “If anybody is going to hell, who would it be?” the answer would probably be “Hitler.” Thailand at least has lightened up on the Nazi hate, seeing something funny in the whole thing, not unlike some of the easing of the issues we’ve seen since the “the soup Nazi” became a favorite skit on the sitcom “Seinfeld.” Consider some of the “Nazi art” Thailand has come up with:

Daniel June: Daniel June studied English literature at Michigan State University, graduating in 2003. Working a potpourri of jobs since, from cake-decorator to proofreader, his passion has always been writing, resulting in books of essays, novels, and children’s novellas.