Categories: Law Life

Moving Weekend!

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend, I certainly did! There were many ups and downs… but it all turned out alright!

As you may remember, I was moving apartments this weekend. Not too far, just up from Lincoln Park into the Lakeview neighborhood (about a mile away from where I was living). I was pretty overwhelmed with the move since I’d been at my apartment and accumulated WAY too much stuff. In college I moved constantly and took pride in calling myself a “nomad” since I owned so little and moved so easily. Unfortunately this was not the case.

I had to be out of my apartment by noon on Saturday, but couldn’t move into my new apartment until Sunday morning. I’d rented a Budget truck for 8:30am on Saturday to load my stuff in. My plan was to park it in a lot near my building and then unpack and return it Sunday morning at 9:30am after moving into my new place. Well, that was a lovely idea…

Budget called me at 4pm on Friday to tell me that they would “probably” have my truck available at 2:30pm on Saturday. I called my building manager to ask if I could leave late, but he said I had to be out by noon for the painters. Budget truck told me this is “just how they work” and that my actual reservation basically meant nothing. I called several other places and no one had a truck. Ensue tears. I pulled it together and came up with a new plan: my brother and I would use his car to move all my stuff to his guest bedroom before noon Saturday, then do the same thing again Sunday morning to move all my stuff to my new apartment.

So basically, I moved twice this weekend. I was VERY lucky to have such a patient brother to help me out with this, and Kelsey and her boyfriend who came and filled their car with a load, then brought it back Sunday so that was just one less that we had to unload into my brother’s apartment. To say it was a rough move would be an understatement. But we did it, and I will NEVER move again without hiring someone to do it for me. Ever.

The best part? My headboard didn’t fit in his car, so I had to CARRY it to his apartment and then to my new apartment. I looked like a crazy person but at this point it seemed totally normal.

move 1

But hey, check out that view:

move 3

Worth it, huh? I think so.

So that was the “down” part of the weekend, although I am so thankful for my brother and friends who helped out. The up part? The BEST bachelorette party ever on Saturday night! Here is one of the few blog-appropriate photos that I took from the evening:


It was amazing. Lots of laughing, dancing and memories that I’ll have forever.

After my move on Sunday, I headed over to Lindsay’s for a Labor Day barbeque. We hung out on her roof deck and grilled burgers, enjoying the beautiful view:

I got a ride back downtown from Kelsey and while walking to my bus stop I got some more reminders of why I love living in Chicago so much:

Yep, this city has really grown on me.

What did you do for Labor Day weekend?

Any moving horror stories?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.