Categories: Law Life

Thursday Thoughts

Hey everyone! Thanks so much for all your comments on my post Monday, I guess a LOT of us “fake it ‘till we make it!” I’m gearing up to head out to the Healthy Living Summit in Minneapolis tomorrow (bright and EARLY flight!) so without further adieu, here is the week’s Thursday thoughts!

1. Speaking of the Healthy Living Summit, if any of you are going to be there early on Friday, be sure to stop by my workshop (along with 3 other bloggers and their topics) from 1-2pm! I’ll be talking about how to use PicMonkey for your blog and personal life!


2. Kelsey started watching Pretty Little Liars and tried to get me to watch it so we could talk about it. I lasted 5 minutes into the episode… I just can’t handle shows where I’m cringing at the characters’ poor decisions the entire time…

photo 1 (2)

3. I FINALLY made it out to IKEA (I was waiting for ZipCar approval, and then waiting for the weekend to be over so it wouldn’t be crowded). I thought it would be easy since it was just me and I’d already looked at the catalogue, but I was SO wrong! I was there for 2 hours (I’d planned on 1) and having the hardest time making decisions. Then I forgot to add 2 things to my order. Oops.

photo 3 (8)

4. BUT, I finally have a couch!!!! I haven’t had a couch since Junior year of college and let me tell you, I miss it! It’s also long enough that you can sleep on it, so now I have extra space for people to come stay! (or just sit and hang out…)

5. More new things: SHOES! I was in dire need of some new running shoes so I dug into my savings (although these were on sale for $80!!!) and got the new version of the shoe I ran the Chicago Marathon in last year: Asics GT-2000.

photo 4 (2)

6. I am SO EXCITED about Chelsey’s new little twin girls! I’m really hoping to make it out to her house sometime next week to meet them.

7. I also went to home goods last week and Kelsey convinced me that I needed a cast iron skillet. So far I like it, but the only problem is that it doesn’t fit in my (tiny) sink… So cleaning it is a pain.

8. I have been feeling completely exhausted the past few days. I don’t know if it’s the heat (I have no AC), my mood?, maybe low iron, or what but it’s not fun. I literally passed out by 8:15pm on my couch last night, and all afternoon all I wanted to do was lay down.

9. I feel it’s always necessary to leave you all with a good pinterest quote on Thursday, so here you go!

Have you ever cooked in a cast-iron skillet?

What TV show are you watching now?

Will you be at HLS this weekend? Come say hi!!!

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.