Daniel “Hotcock” Cooper has been convicted by a UK court of indecent exposure. He has been banned from going outside Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings between 7p.m. and 7 a.m. for the next 90 days.
Mr. Cooper was caught grinding naked against a blue 4×4 Land Rover Discovery, according to the Huffington Post. Cooper told the court that at the time he had been so drunk that he had no memories of that behavior with the vehicle. When he saw the video, he realized the situation.
Witnesses say that they saw Mr. Cooper earlier that evening “bumping and grinding with the counter on a kebab shop and simulating sex on the floor with his pants around his ankles.” Mr. Cooper’s attorney noted that when sober, Daniel “Hotcock” was mortified with the out of character behavior. Those who know Mr. Cooper can only report that he is a “responsible family man who looks after the children while his wife went to work.” A friend of Daniel Cooper commented, “Daniel will never live this down. He is not a pretty sight when naked. We all felt sorry for the Land Rover and hope it wasn’t offended.“ Besides the sentence and the fine, Mr. Cooper can expect to be mocked and teased about his night out for the rest of his life.