‘Truckers for the Constitution’ to Stop All D.C. Beltway Traffic in Planned Protest Against Current Political Situation

Tractor-trailer drivers will come together to form one politically motivated autobot “three lanes deep” on the D.C. beltway. The truck and car clog will prevent anyone from getting into or out of the area, until the truckers’ collective voices are heard. The organization seeks to have justice and be taken seriously, although they have a slew of demands that include, “the impeachment of President Barack Obama,” according to country music player Zeeda Andrews. However the coming winter of discontent is divided in vision. Georgia trucker Earl Conlon, a participant organizer countered that by saying, “We are not going to ask for impeachment, we are coming whether they like it or not. We’re asking for the arrest of everyone in government who has violated their oath of office.”

According to US News, T2SDA, or ‘Truckers to Shut Down America” will be a powerful convoy-caravan, blocking the roads and coming together until the organization is heard by the authorities. Anyone who drives on the beltway who wants to get into the city and the surrounding sprawl would have to have the acronym T2SDA on their car, or the truckers wont budge an inch. “Nobody in, nobody out,” trucker-organizer Conlon said.

Interestingly the organization looks to indict members of congress. This particular idea strikes me as odd, as members of congress vote on different bills and such – in that they have broken no laws nor have done anything illegal. Yet the truckers say that some of the members of government have committed “treason.” It is confusing to try and figure out why they feel betrayed. Certainly truckers are private sector workers who don’t feel the hurt of being furloughed because of the sequester, so the gasoline and diesel fuel that will be used in the hundreds of gallons to organize an event like this – an expensive commodity – will be paid out of pocket by workers who apparently will spend such that indicates their disposable income includes an serious budget for diesel, money spent on rallying for a cause. Certainly a budget that can spend that much is not one that depends on public sector funds, debt, financing, and is independent of federal funds or otherwise not involved with being furloughed. It would be easy to see how one might think that these truckers do not have leg to stand on. Were a rally against congress brought by federal employees who have been furloughed, it would be easier to understand their desperation.

In any case, an idea that has been circulating around ‘Truckers to Shut Down America’ is one of a ‘citizens grand jury,’ which would indict officials without court approval. Conlan finalizes by saying, “We want these people arrested, and we’re coming in with the grand jury to do it. We are going to ask the law enforcement to uphold their constitutional oath and make these arrests. If they refuse to do it, by the power of the people of the United Sates and the people’s grand jury, we the people will find a way.”

Image Credit: Freedom Outpost & the Huffington Post
