Categories: Law Life

Ellovi Body Butter

Disclaimer: Although I received Ellovi Body Butter free of charge, all opinions and thoughts expressed are my own.

First, I want to say good luck and HAVE FUN to everyone running the marathon this weekend!!! I’ll be volunteering at the Mile 18 Aid Station so if you’re running, say hi! I’m sure I’ll be really discernible as one of about a bazillion people in matching volunteer jackets and hats…

This feels like forever ago!

I’ve mentioned this before a couple times, but I’m slowly trying to incorporate more “all natural” and organic products into my personal care routine. Since many of us look at labels to try and reduce the number of chemicals we eat, it makes sense to do the same with what we put on our skin. A great resource to find out how your products rank on the natural scale is the EWG database.

I was recently sent a sample of Ellovi Body Butter to try out. Ellovi is a company started by two people, Kelly and Ryan, who want to create an entire beauty product line that is made from plants, not chemicals. In the letter I received with my package, they say that there are only 9 banned ingredients for beauty products in the USA but over 1,000 banned ingredients in Europe. I found this a pretty interesting, and yet unsurprising statistic after taking Food & Drug Law in school.

Unlike other body butters, Ellovi does not contain water, which will evaporate and leave your skin feeling drier than before. Ellovi is meant to keep your skin feeling hydrated for days.

My container of Ellovi Body Butter listed the ingredients on the back and I was actually surprised at just how natural they were: macadamia nut, coconut, marula nut, hemp seed, and shea. THAT’S IT.

So the real question – does it work?

The very first thing I noticed about the body butter is that it doesn’t have a fragrance, which is probably a really good sign. That means it doesn’t have any artificial fragrances or unnecessary ingredients. If anything you could kind of smell the macadamia nut.

My hands have been really dry this week since Chicago suddenly went from warm and muggy to chilly and dry. I used Ellovi butter on my hands a couple times and after two days I could already tell a difference. Just by day 2 I stopped constantly feeling the need to put lotion on my hands. Woohoo!

The only thing I didn’t like was that it didn’t absorb immediately into my skin. For example, if I put it on my hands and then used my phone in the next minute or two it left kind of a film on my phone’s screen. Thankfully it absorbed within a few minutes, but just something I noticed.

I love supporting small and new companies, especially such ingredient-conscious companies so I really enjoyed getting to try and share Ellovi with you! I can’t wait to see what else they do!

Are you conscious of ingredients in your beauty products?

What kind of lotion do you use?

What’s your favorite beauty product?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.