Big Shocker! Millennial Generation Spending Less of its own Cash on Luxury Goods and Services! More Often Found Using Company Cash on 1st Class Flights!

A new survey found that younger business travelers are more likely than older ones to spend company money on first class flights and expensive restaurants. They are also more likely to vacation during business trips. These young millennials are also very fast to post negative reviews on social sites. The findings were from a survey that looked at the behaviors of more than 8,500 travelers from over two dozen countries. The goal and design of the survey was to track the differences in business travelers in the two age groupings.

“42% of business travelers between ages 18 to 30 said they will spend more of their company’s money on high-end meals than they would their own money, compared with only 26% of travelers ages 46 to 65.” The study was conducted by Harris interactive and commissioned by Expedia and Egencia, the business travel arm of Expedia Inc.” Again, 25% of American travelers between ages 18 through 34 have posted a negative review only last year, compared to only 14% of older business travelers.

Different experts consider the perplexing problem and have solutions that suggest the answer to this question of why the results are so different. A senior vice president at Egencia, Mark Hollyhead, considered that the millennials were born in the digital age, and socializing and uber-commenting, and meta-reviewing is just their thing. He feels that information sharing in this way is just their being part of the digital age that they grew up in, and that “sharing is a big part of the digital age.” Another expert, the editorial director at hotel review site, Kelsey Blodget comments, “It could also be that the more mature generations have many more hotel and restaurant experiences under their belts and [that they] are just less fazed about bad experiences than they once were.”

The surveys ultimate findings were that in terms of generational behaviors, compared to the older generation, millennials spend more [of their company’s] money and complain much much more. Small details in the study found that 37% of millennials would opt for room service [when the company paid] compared with only 21% of business travellers between 46 and 65. Humorously, it was also found that millennials would also drink from the top shelf when their company paid.

Millennials, aged 18-30 are found to travel more than the gen-Xers, generally aged 31-45. Because of that, “The behavior of millennial travelers is being closely studied by hotels, airlines, and research firms because they’re projected to become the most influential and lucrative travelers as they mature,” according to USA Today.

Image Credit: Luxist &

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