Can you earn a law degree online? Skip the lecture hall, the Socratic style questioning – indeed, the entire law school experience? If so, perhaps you can’t for much longer at Novus University Law School. Touro College is taking them to court for producing sham degrees.
Novus University, of Marshall Islands, is being charged specifically for being “engaged in false, deceptive, misleading and unfair practices by representing itself to be a bona fide foreign law school,” as Touro claimed in Manhattan Supreme Court papers, and as the New York Post reported.
Though the university collected tuition from students, they “conferred worthless law degrees.”
Further more, such degrees have already be challenged and declared invalid in Texas and Oregon, which is why Touro wants the school to be judicially declared a diploma Mill.
“Novus graduates often apply and are erroneously accepted to American Bar Associated-accredited programs.”
It seems the new school arrangement, which is growing the world over, with degrees being offered online, may indeed apply well enough for undergraduate program, with videos of professors lecturing on a topic. Indeed, it seems a bright idea, since most lectures are repetitious of previous lectures. But law school, as higher education, requires more involvement, especially with the grading process.
Novus, at least, seems to be questionable, something the Manhattan Supreme Court will soon decide.