Jesse Jackson Jr. Checks in to Prison for Elites

Jess Jackson Jr., D-III, and the former Rep., checked in on Monday at the Butner Federal Correctional Complex, which is known for housing elite who happened to get caught and convicted. Known as one of the least demanding federal prisons, Butner traditionally houses high-profile criminals.

Jackson, who received a 2 ½ year sentence for stealing $750,000 in campaign funds, has it all set up for him in style. He will be sharing premises with other luminaries like Bernie Madoff, the Ponzi schemer, Jonathan Pollard, the Israeli spy, and Omar Ahmad Rahman, the man convicted of planning the World Trade Center bombing in 1993.

The sentences for Jackson and his wife seem to have been coincidentally timed so that she goes in only after he comes out of prison. This would provide continuity to operations and other joint activities.

During his trial, Jackson admitted to using the money he stole from his campaign to fund his lavish lifestyle – for purchasing latest gadgets, health club memberships, costly meals, furs, vacations, and collectibles.

Court documents show Jackson Jr. III spent at least $4,600 to buy a fedora from the collection of Michael Jackson, a cashmere cape that cost $1500 and a pair of elk heads from a taxidermist for $8000.

To pay off the restitution amount of $7,50,000, Jackson Jr. III tried to hold an auction last month. However, the auction was called off after US marshals expressed doubts about the authenticity of some articles meant for the auction including a guitar claimed to be signed by Michael Jackson and Eddie Van Halen.

His wife, Sandi Jackson, the former Chicago Alderman, was also convicted of tax charges in the same investigation, but will begin her prison sentence only after Jackson finishes his.

Considering who’s going to prison, we can expect exemplary behavior and other factors influence the duration of the prison sentence and reduce it as much as possible.
