Law Life

Thursday Thoughts
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Goooood morning! I hope you’re all having a good week so far! Mine is going alright, although back into one of those not so great moods. Hoping a weekend away is just what I need! I may or may not have spent the majority of my day yesterday reading for fun… But hey, I also cleaned my apartment, so productive? Right? Oh well. Back at it today I guess! And, back to another round of thursday thoughts!


1. The Chiefs play the Broncos this weekend, which is a pretty big deal. It’s the first game that I’m legitimately concerned about (although we’re TOTALLY going to win, because we’re going to the SUPERBOWL!). Anyway, a good friend of mine is a big Broncos fan (traitor) and we’ve not only put a friendly wager on the game but are “trash” talking one another. Good thing he knows this is as intense as my trash talking gets…


thursday thoughts chiefs


2. Last week I was walking home from somewhere or other when I saw this lovely truck parked outside a convenience store up in Lakeview. Sadly no, it wasn’t a food truck… just someone’s regular means of transportation…

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thursday thoughts 2


3. Another fun find: I was in a Walgreens this weekend and saw these holographic bookmarks that brought me right back to elementary school. Sadly I was not about to spend $4 on a joke gift. Really? FOUR dollars??

thursday thoughts


4. It SNOWED! Alright, in all honesty I was too thrilled since I had to walk home in the wind/snow/sleet thing that was happening, and the thought of the holidays approaching makes me cringe on the inside since I still don’t have a job, but it was a liiiiittle bit nice.

thursday thoughts snow


5. Last night I went to a DIY Wine Marker and Wine (well, Prosecco) Event hosted by Erin from Color Me Styled at Langford Market in Lakeview.

thursday thoughts langford market

Although the craft wasn’t really my thing, I enjoyed meeting a few new people, looking at some cute clothes, and doing a smidge of networking. These ladies had some great ideas for my job search.

thursday thoughts DIY wine markers

I would also like to note that this picture makes Erin look like she’s using scissors with her eyes closed. Didn’t anyone teach you scissor safety in Kindergarten, Erin?


6. While I was walking to the Walgreens (see #3) I came across this random street with BIG houses and, wait for it, BIG YARDS. Unheard of in my neighborhood. One house had a really cute painting on their garage door making it look like the road continues on. How creative is that?

weekend 5


7. I am going to DENVER this weekend!!! I had a Southwest travel voucher that I had to use by the middle of this month (like had to travel not just apply it to another trip) so I called up (okay, texted) my BFF in Denver and now I’m going to visit! Since she won’t be in Kansas City for any of the holidays, I’m really excited to be able to see her now!


Quality flip phone camera photo from back in the day…


8. Since I am heading to Denver bright and early tomorrow morning and I won’t be bringing along my laptop, I will see you all next week! Have a great weekend!



How do you feel about the snow? Anyone feeling a smidge apprehensive about the holidays?

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen on a walk lately?

Chiefs or Broncos?





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