Victim 9 of the 10 victims of Sandusky who were part of the criminal trial in which the former Penn State University Coach was convicted on 45 counts of sexual abuse, has filed a lawsuit against Penn State University.
While following Sandusky’s conviction at least 26 men have settled claims with Penn State, Victim 9 refuses to do so.
Sandusky, who is in prison, continues to maintain he is innocent and has been wrongly convicted of abusing the boys.
His alleged former victims brought claims against Penn State University as many of them claimed to have been abused on campus, even after two incidents, one in 1998 and the other in 2001, were brought to the notice of high-ranking university officials.
Stephen E. Raynes, the attorney for Victim 9 said in a press release, “It’s now clear that Penn State enabled Sandusky to sexually abuse more than twenty other children before Sandusky preyed on this boy … We will learn through this lawsuit why that happened and what additional lessons Penn State should learn …”
Raynes stressed the fact that, “By the time this boy was introduced to Sandusky on the Penn State Campus, the top administrators at Penn State knew that Sandusky was a sexual predator.”
Until now, Penn State has allegedly negotiated a total settlement sum of $59.7 million with the other 26 victims of Sandusky.
However, Raynes said Victim 9 found that the university did not consider an offer sufficient “to compensate him adequately for what he needs and deserves.”
While Sandusky is in jail, three former officials of Penn State University, the former president, vice president and athletic director are facing charges that they lied to a grand jury, failed to report allegations of abuse, and obstructed justice.