Few childish expressions are more charming than a “Dear Santa” letter. The child, in full trust that Santa is a flesh-and-blood entity, rather than the Spirit of Giving, writes a letter in good faith, addressing it, traditionally, to the North Pole, where the corpulent red-dressed giver is imagined to reside.
The child who penned this letter seems to have wished for a specific product: a killer whale car. Rather than saying so, he painstakingly copied the overly-involved URL Amazon uses for its products. The persistence required to copy each letter, number, dash, and equal signs shows fortitude enough that the boy probably belongs on Santa’s “Good List.”
Meanwhile, the Santa letter dates this child to the millennium: at no other time would a child use such an overblown code as this to express precisely what he wants. The thoroughness of the child bespeaks how sincerely he take the whole game; he is not merely patronizing his parents, but wrote down the entire nuanced code believing it makes a difference for the North Pole that he get it exactly right. The faith of children makes for the faithfulness of children.
It would be a shame, therefore, if “Santa” failed to provide the Killer Whale Car so earnestly sought by this young man. Here’s hoping he gets what he wants!