Categories: Law Life

Me Before You Book Review

As I mentioned on Monday, we had book club on Saturday where we ate great food, talked a bit about the book, a lot about other entertaining things, and did a white elephant gift exchange!

On Saturday afternoon we gathered together at Kelsey’s apartment and stood around chatting for a while until everyone arrived.

bookclub 1

Marisa had brought some Festivus Chai and almond milk, which we warmed up in the microwave. It was AMAZING! Definitely check this stuff out! She found it at Whole Foods here in Chicago.

Once everyone had arrived we grabbed our plates and loaded up. Being the Holiday themed-book club we had a lot of sweet treats, but it was all delicious. I brought sauteed brussel sprouts with cranberries and pecans (drizzled in basalmic and maple syrup) which turned out fine, but I have to say my favorite was Bethany’s rice crispy treats! These things were like heaven – made with rice crispies, marshmallows, peanut butter, I think chocolate chips? Heaven. Bless you, Bethany.

weekend 1

Once we’d gotten our plates we sat around to eat and chat for a while and once everyone was done it was time to start the gift exchange!

weekend 4

If you’re unfamiliar with White Elephant, the way we chose to do it was have everyone draw a number. Number 1 goes and picks a gift under the tree and opens it. Number 2 may then steal 1’s gift, forcing 1 to go pick a new one, or go choose a new gift from under the tree. Each gift may be stolen only twice and no immediate steal backs (1 could not turn around and steal back the gift from 2).

To make it a little less “intense” we chose to do “gag gifts” not exceeding $10. Weird things found around your apartment or re-gifting funny old gifts are also encouraged.

The gift I brought was an upside down snowman mug (I died laughing – you’re drinking out of it’s butt. Yes I’m a 12 year old boy) with some Trader Joe’s salted caramel treats inside.

image taken from Christina’s Instagram

The gift I chose (and got to keep!) was Candy Cane Vodka made by Carly! I was pretty pleased with my gift – it seems like the perfect thing to spike a good cup of hot chocolate, or it would be great in a White Russian!

And to top off the evening, I got a spectacular view on my walk back to the bus to head home:

Now, on to the book part of book club! The book this month was Me Before You by Jojo Moyes.


I knew it would be good based purely on the fact that it has a 4.35 star rating on Good Reads with over 40,000 reviews! That is a lot of people who took the time to review the book! From Good Reads:

I really, really enjoyed this book! I absolutely flew through it because I was dying to see what happened, although I can’t say it’s a super quick read, I think I was just really diligent with it. The characters were my favorite parts of the book, which honestly I think is the key to any good book: you have to fall in love with the characters.

Lou, the main character, is easy to like although easy to get frustrated with as well. I think I saw a lot of myself, and any struggling 20-something, in her and her fear for leaving her comfort zone. Will Traynor is the kind of character you feel sorry for, you hate but feel bad for hating, and then eventually see the goodness in him and appreciate his character and how he has changed through his struggles. The supporting characters are also likeable and dynamic, including Lou’s family who need her job to support their household income, as well as Will’s family who are both protective of him but desperate for help from Lou.

The book definitely brings up a hot topic, but I appreciated how the author handled it. She presented all the sides of the argument in an unbiased way and didn’t seem to push her opinion (although I could guess what it was) on the reader. You’ll just have to read to find out more!

Have you read this book?

Are you in a book club or would you want to form one? (So easy! Email me with questions)

What’s the best book you’ve read recently?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.