It was announced via a press release from Pfizer Inc. that general counsel Amy Schulman will be leaving the company. Schulman was going to take over as president of a brand new division beginning on January 1, 2014.
The press release stated the following: “Amy Schulman and Pfizer have agreed to separate. As a result of that mutual agreement, Ms. Schulman will not be assuming the role of Group President of Vaccines, Oncology and Consumer Healthcare and is stepping down from the Company’s Executive Leadership Team, including as General Counsel and Business Unit Lead for the Consumer Healthcare business unit. She will remain at the Company for a transition period. We thank Amy for the past five years of hard work and many contributions, and we wish her well in her future endeavors.”
Schulman was immediately replaced by Douglas Lankler as general counsel. Lankler worked as the chief compliance and risk officer prior to being named general counsel. Lankler was replaced by Rady Johnson, a former associate general counsel.
The press release did not mention a reason for Schulman stepping down from her post and for not taking over the new post beginning in January. Spokesperson Christopher Loder released a statement from Schulman saying, “I have enjoyed my years at Pfizer and wish the company and my many friends and colleagues well.”
Schulman was due to take over the new division, Vaccines, Oncology and Consumer Healthcare, in January. She was going to be the group’s president and sit on the company’s executive leadership team.