In addition to the many little series that I love on my blog, such as Thursday Thoughts, One Word Wednesdays, or Link Love, I’ve been inspired to start a new one that’s a little more thoughtful. Today’s post is a bit of an introduction. But don’t worry – the old favorites aren’t going anywhere.
Blogs are full of advice and suggestions: what workouts you should do, what recipes are delicious, how to make resolutions, how to love yourself, how to relax, where to go on vacation, what to wear, etc.
But in reality, everyone is just doing their best to improve themselves as well as to help others. Sometimes bloggers, writers, parents, mentors, friends, just don’t have the answers you’re looking for.
When you’re a child you believe that your parents and your teachers can fix all your problems. They are the center of your world, they hold all the knowledge and can help you solve anything. Trust me, I was the only daughter between two boys and thus a true “Daddy’s Girl.” I thought my dad was the smartest person in the world and magically had the answer to any question I might ask.
Don’t get me wrong, I still look to him for answers more than 26 year-old probably should, but there is something about growing up that’s like pulling back the curtain to reveal that the Great and Powerful Oz is really just a regular man. As you get older, you learn that your parents and teachers were always just normal people; people who don’t know what they’re doing, who struggle with right and wrong, who are trying to define themselves, who are balancing relationships, friends, work and life. No one has all the answers.
Voltaire said to judge a man by his questions, rather than by his answers. I gave you the opportunity to ask me anything you wanted, but now, I’m going to start asking some questions. Questions to you, to the universe, to whoever will listen. Because reflecting and learning are a part of our lives that never ends, no matter how old and “wise” we try to become. I hope challenge myself by challenging the world around me, by reflecting and by pushing myself a little further as a writer.
What do you think of this quote?
Do you feel like you are always giving answers, or asking questions?