Categories: Law Life

Clarification: What I Am Doing in North Korea

by Dennis Rodman

Hello. Many are question me after my CNN interview, and I wish now to talk to you. I want you to know why I am doing. So please, listen to me, Dennis Rodman, and what I am having to saying.

I am Dennis Rodman. Dennis Rodman. I am Dennis Rodman basketball.

I go North Korea for basketball. Basketball…Michael Jordan. Dennis Rodman in North Korea basketball. Everyone say Dennis Rodman North Korea and I am good so why not?

Kim Jung Un is North Korea my friend. He is my friend and we have fun. When in North Korea, I am with my friend. I play basketball in North Korea with my friend Kim Jung Un who is good to have friendship now.

Some say I am bad. I say… I am good. I am good for North Korea basketball. Helping the world. We play basketball in North Korea, and helping the world for everyone.

Why are you saying what it is not? I have no explain you to where what is good for me and it is not the good for what you have saying and with Michael Jordan basketball North Korea helping world Kim Jung Un.

[Editor’s note: We require all articles to be at least 400 words, but let’s be honest, this joke is getting a little stale. Let’s see if I have anything else laying around…hmm…ah! Here we go. This is an excerpt from our piece on the top 20 episodes of CSI. Enjoy]

15. Season 9 Episode 14: Miscarriage of Justice

– Our staff goes gaga for the performance of newcomer Shelly McCain, whose appearance as the opaque and even-minded office secretary ‘Denise’ earned her a nomination for one LIFTCA (League of Indonesian Freelance Television Critics) award.

14. Season 4 Episode 9: Grissom vs. the Volcano

-Director Richard J. Lewis is at his best in this fine episode from the show’s 4th season. Fans should take note of his use of wide angle lenses during the gun/magma fight in the episode’s climax.

13. Webisode 2: The Birth of CSI (Part 2)

-What? A webisode on this list? Call us crazy, but we think this feature really comes together nicely in the second part. We love the interview with casting director Donovan Thomas, explaining in detail each person who was considered for each role and how their performance was graded.

12. Season 13 Episode 21: Ghosts of the Past

– Don’t worry, we weren’t going to forget the episode that featured Sara Sidle’s epic monologue in which she convinces the team that the DNA evidence had been tampered with prior to examination. A true classic.

Note: This article is satirical and does not reflect factual reporting.
