Law Life

Thursday Thoughts
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Hey everyone! I hope you’re all having a good week, I know it’s a shorter one for those of you who didn’t have to go into work because of the polar vortex! Haha did you ever think you’d have polar vortex days? I sure didn’t… Anyhoo, on to this week’s Thursday Thoughts!


1. Devastated by what happened this past Saturday and clearly so was Molly. I actually almost threw up. I felt like I’d just gone through a horrible break up, my heart hurt so much. Yes, this seems dramatic but only a Chiefs fan would understand. We shall no longer speak of this tragedy.




2. I LOVE photo booths! And probably because I’ve only done like two in my life (how sad, right?). It’s basically just a glorified selfie with your friends, which I love. There was a photo booth at the New Years Eve party I went to and I probably could have spent half the night in there.

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crop 1 new years


3. My parents are moving. Womp, womp. They’ve lived in the same house for 30 years and I had to say goodbye to it when I left last week. It will be so weird going home after this.


4. Since they were moving, we had to clean out a bunch of our stuff. I found about a trillion Barbies:

photo 1 (6)

and NINETY SEVEN beanie babies. NINETY SEVEN. Some belong to my little brother, but they’re mostly mine… They will all be donated.

photo 2 (1)


5. I got a new iPhone! Whooohoooo! Pretty excited since my old one’s battery was about shot, and it would randomly turn off and not turn back on whenever it felt like it. Now I just have to pick out a case…


6. My cousin is going through rush and it’s making me miss my sorority, and college. Ah, those were the good old days – you always had friends around and somewhere fun to go and half the time it was in costume.

kd mixer


7. I have made it a goal to make AT LEAST one recipe every week – aka meal plan and meal prep. I’m so bad about this but I know I much prefer to have a meal ready to go for dinner rather than end up snacking through dinner. It’s definitely an issue when you’re home too much.


8. I forget sometimes how much support I have, from both my friends and family whom I’ve known all my life, and from people I’ve only met once or twice. I got the sweetest Facebook message this morning as I was finishing up my blog post, and it’s so nice to know that people are praying for me and wishing me luck. Ah, I’m getting all sappy. So a big thank you to all of you who read and encourage me!



Did you live in the same house growing up, or did you move?

Do you have a favorite (and EASY) recipe that I should try?



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