Former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II has floated a new law firm along with three other partners to defend Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens. The law firm named Virginia Self Defense Law aims to defend the right to bear arms of gun owners and sports a slogan, “Defending those who defend themselves.”
The law firm is offering rock-bottom rates to its clientele, and according to the website, “A legal retainer with Virginia Self Defense Law costs as little as $8.33 a month – less than half the cost of a hunting license.”
So now, under $10, you can have Cuccinelli at your back if you belong to those who find themselves “harassed by law enforcement for lawfully carrying their weapon.”
Speaking on his move, Cuccinelli said in an interview, “We’re filling a market need.”
He explained, “All of us … can name cases we know of in various places where really outrageous things went on just to torment lawful, law abiding gun owners.”
One of the stories featured on the law firm website is about the legal bills that George Zimmerman had to face to defend himself.
State Sen. Thomas A. Garrett Jr. (R-Louisa), one of the partners of the new law firm said the pricing strategy of offering an inexpensive retainer has been tried in Texas, and there are other organizations providing something similar on a national basis.
Garett said, “It’s not insurance. It’s a retainer plan. But it gives you peace of mind knowing ultimately if something happens, you’ve got that coverage.”
According to the firm’s offer, gun owners would have to pay the monthly retainer fees to have the lawyers of the firm represent for free in court during right-to-carry and self defense cases. However, the conditions do not apply if you face a weapons charge related with dealing in drugs or other illegal activity.
Cuccinelli is also concentrating on his separate law practice, Cuccinelli and Associates that focuses on constitutional law, complex civil litigation and health care fraud. He should be knowing quite a bit about health care as Cuccinelli had been one of the staunchest opponents of the new health care law.