Categories: Law Life

Ask Me Anything–Hair Care

Hey everyone!

So remember that “Ask Me Anything” series I was doing where I was responding to all the questions you submitted? Haha well I finally have the last one for you today! A lot of you asked me about my hair, what products I use, and what my “hair care” routine is. This kind of makes me laugh because I feel like I don’t really have a routine. But, here we go!


hair products? my hair is wavy/curly/frizzy so i’m always looking for new products to tame!

Love this! What products do you use on your curly hair? It is always perfectly curled and frizz-free <—jealous!

Haha. I’d love to know a little bit about your hair routine. I’m assuming you have naturally curly hair (as do I) and I love hearing what other curly-folks do to keep the frizz away and curls looking nice. What products do you use, do you wash everyday, etc. Also, any other great beauty products! Thanks 🙂

What are some of your favorite beauty products?

What are your favorite hair products for curly hair?

curly hair

First of all, I’d like to note that until High School I had no idea how to handle my hair. Scratch that, until college… My mom had straight hair so she treated my hair just as she would hers, which resulted in the dreaded “triangle” head:

Monday, January 21, 2002 (Image #6)

Then I tried to straighten my hair at any given chance, which led to horrible split ends and damaged hair…


Finally, senior year of college, I embraced the curl. I also embraced the considerably shorter amount of time it took to get ready!

So, here is my hair care routine:

1. Condition Hair: Please note that I said CONDITION. I shampoo my hair 2-3 times a week but I condition it every time I take a shower. I also use an obscene amount of conditioner. Curly hair needs the extra moisture, which is also why you don’t shampoo often because it strips the hair of moisture.

2. Pat/Squeeze Hair Dry: DO NOT RUB YOUR HAIR WITH A TOWEL. Don’t do it. I usually squeeze out extra water before I step out of the shower, flip my head upside down and then squeeze my hair with a towel.

Someone once suggested using a cotton t-shirt because it helps with frizziness, but I tried this for about a month and didn’t notice a difference, so back to the towel!

3. Brush Hair, Dry Again: Brush your hair and enjoy it, because you won’t pick that brush up again. I use a brush like this:

I brush it all out, put my part where I want it, and then use a towel to squeeze out any extra moisture.

4. Scrunch Hair With Product: Use a light mousse, flip your head upside down and scrunch your hair. Then flip right side up again and scrunch some more. That’s it! TADA! Let it hair dry. Don’t mess with it!

My favorite products are John Frieda Curl Reviver Styling Mousse and Pantene Pro V Curly Mousse.

5. Optional: Clip Back Part of Hair: This is something I do because my hair tends to fall into my face when it’s wet, but it also gives it a nicer shape once it’s dried. I take a little plastic clip and I loosely pull back the hair on the larger half of my part (since I part to the side). I leave it in until my hair is almost dried or I’m about to arrive at work.

Remember, this is what works for MY hair and might not necessarily be the best routine for yours. Just experiment and figure out what’s best for your type of hair.

What kind of hair do you have?

Have you ever dyed your hair or wanted to? What’s your natural color and your new color?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.