A rabbi and other protesters were arrested by police officers on the campus of the McDonald’s headquarters on Wednesday, according to The Huffington Post.
Protesters moved through a security checkpoint and were told by police to end the protest and leave the property. All told, 138 people were arrested in what was a non-violent affair. Many of those arrested were employees of the company.
Emmanuel Gonzalez was one of the protesters, saying that arrest is “the price we have to pay to fight for $15 and hour.” Gonzalez is 18 and just a couple of weeks from graduating high school.
Lisa McComb, a spokeswoman from McDonald’s, wrote the following in an email to The Huffington Post:
“The company remains focused on welcoming our shareholders to McDonald’s annual meeting.”
“We respect everyone’s rights to peacefully protest,” she wrote. McComb said that the protests were ‘staged events’ and included only a handful of workers from the company.
“We’ve adjusted work schedules for our employees and access to our facilities to assist the Oak Brook Police Department to address the protests and the related traffic congestion,” McComb wrote.
A pastor from the West Point Baptist Church in Chicago, Bernard Jakes, said, “We’re fighting for livable wages for workers of McDonald’s. Fighting for them and their right to unionize. It’s not only a mandate of our faith, it’s a human right. Treating people fairly is a human right.”