New York-based law firm Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman is preparing to send legal work to Nashville, where the firm’s business operations center has operated since 2011, according to The Washington Post.
The firm is headquartered in Washington, with 160 attorneys and staff working in the city. The firm is going to hire six attorneys as well as paralegals, consultants and timekeepers for the Nashville location. The announcement was made by Chairman Jim Rishwain.
The newly hired attorneys will handle research, document review and discovery initially. Rishwain said that their work could expand to intellectual property, real estate and corporate legal work.
“It was always part of our mind-set that over time we’d move legal services to Nashville,” Rishwain said. “Today is another step in the evolution of our business model.”
Rishwain said that the move is to help cut costs because billing rates for attorneys in smaller legal markets are lower than those in markets such as Washington and New York.
“We can maximize cost savings, but in a way that does not compromise coordination and knowledge-sharing, and also enhances our … fully integrated platform to our clients,” Rishwain said. “For litigation, the jurisdiction could be New York or San Francisco or London, but there are certain fundamental things that have to be done, it doesn’t matter where in the world those services are.”
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