Shocking Plea Deal Ends Drama that Started from Vaginal Flatulence

Last week, the Smoking Gun was the first to report in detail the shocking story of a plea deal where an 18-year-old girl was booked only for harassment and her fines waived after she pleaded guilty.

On the surface, it seems a perfectly every day affair, but it is not, considering that the harassment for which the girl was booked was actually the act of elbowing the testicles of a 13-year-old boy, and considering the sequence of events that led to the assault.

Whatever be the offense that was brought to the notice of the courts, there was ample record for the court to be aware that what happened prior to the assault (the 18-year-old girl elbowing the testicles of the 13-year-old boy) involved a more serious offense than what the girl was booked for.

The records show that the 18-year-old girl had sex in the back of a school bus with the 13-year-old boy.

Now that, by itself, does not immediately attract statutory rape in Pennsylvania, where such statutes are called only when the minor’s age is 12 years or younger.

However, statutory sexual assault seems to have taken place, and the court could have taken cognizance of a felony of the second degree, which the court chose to ignore. On top of that, waiving the fines really amounted to a pat in the back for illegal conduct.

The attack by the girl, however, happened, because the boy chuckled, when during coitus, the girl passed air from her vagina, something that is termed in slang as varting or queefing.

The girl got embarrassed and incensed and attacked the boy. This, of course, happened because of the ignorance of both parties to the sex, who were unaware that vaginal flatulence is not something uncommon, and nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it is a routine consequence of vaginal intercourse.

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