Earlier this week, Republican House Speaker John Boehner threatened to sue President Barack Obama over how he uses executive orders. Despite this, the president refused to apologize for his actions during an interview with ABC News.
“You notice that he didn’t specifically say what exactly he was objecting to,” the president said during the interview with ABC News. “I’m not going to apologize for trying to do something while they’re doing nothing.”
On Wednesday, Boehner said that the president “not faithfully executed the laws” when he announced the lawsuit.
“The suit is a stunt,” Obama said.
Obama continued with the following, according to ABC News, “What I’ve told Speaker Boehner directly is, ‘If you’re really concerned about me taking too many executive actions, why don’t you try getting something done through Congress? You’re going to squawk if I try to fix some parts of it administratively that are within my authority while you’re not doing anything?”
According to Politico, the office for Boehner responded on Friday morning to Obama’s comments, saying the following:
“The American people, their elected representatives, and the Supreme Court have all expressed serious concerns about the President’s failure to follow the Constitution,” Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said in a statement. “Dismissing them with words like, ‘smidgen’ or ‘stunt’ only reinforces their frustration.”