Though Marilee Springer, deputy chief of staff for Gov. Mike Pence, vowed to join his administration for six months, beginning when he took office back in January 2013, she stayed on much longer. After a year and a half she finally announced she is following through with her original plan to return to her former position as partner at Ice Miller LLP
“Marilee joined my administration on our first day in office to lead our policy team, and made a six month commitment with the intent of returning to private practice last summer,” said the Governor, according to the Indy Star. “She agreed to extend her public service for an additional year to serve as Deputy Chief of Staff. I am profoundly grateful for the personal commitment that Marilee made to pause her legal career and join my senior team during the first two years of administration. Marilee has served as a key policy advisor, led my administration’s effort on education issues, and provided oversight and management of my executive agencies and boards and commissions. I wish her the best of luck as she returns to the private practice of law.”
And perhaps the extra time in the political field will bolster her solid and steady career at Ice Miller, where she served tax-exempt clients — notably in the government sectors, among others. Springer herself seems to indicate the importance of her political career when she said, according to the Indy Star, “Serving Governor Pence and Hoosiers alongside the dedicated public servants in the Governor’s office and across state government has been the greatest privilege of my professional career.”
Though Governor Mike Pence announced that he accepted the resignation, as of June 30, she will still require clearance from the state’s Ethics Commission, after which she will resume her responsibilities, having “served the people of Indiana and our administration with exceptional professionalism and integrity,” as Governor Pence said.