Categories: Law Life

Book Reviews

Hey there everyone!

It’s been quite a while since my last book review, hasn’t it? Well I’ve definitely been reading, that’s for sure! I’ve finished 13 books since my last review! Don’t worry, I won’t review them all right now, just a couple today!

Where’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple

Where'd You Go, Bernadette

Where’d You Go, Bernadette is a fiction novel about a woman, Bernadette and her husband and daughter (Bee). Bee aces her report card and is promised a trip to Antarctica, but the day before the trip Bernadette disappears. To help find her mother, Bee puts together email correspondences, documents and more to create a file on her mom and figure out where she went.

The novel is fun because it’s not just written from one point of view and we get to know what all of the characters are thinking and experiencing since we are reading all of these thoughts and correspondences from each of them. The story was a little manic in my opinion but at the same time I enjoyed the mystery of it and some of the rather eccentric characters.

If you’re looking for a fun read that requires a little bit of thinking, definitely pick this one up!

I Am Livia by Phyllis T Smith

I Am Livia

I Am Livia is a historical fiction novel that tells the story of Livia Drusilla, who is fourteen years old at the time of Julius Caesar’s assassination.  The book follows her from this time, when she is about to be married off, well into the later years of her life. Livia is unlike other women of her time because she has no fear in speaking her mind. She is incredibly intelligent but must learn how to handle what power she has and when is the best time to speak her mind to have the greatest influence.

I really enjoyed this book and definitely recommend that you pick it up, especially if you enjoy historical fictions as I do. The whole book is told from Livia’s perspective and it’s great to watch her grow and learn throughout her life, as well as endure some very painful hardships that we “modern women” could never imagine.

Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella

If you’re looking for a cute chick-flick style beach read, then the Wedding Night is definitely the book for you. This novel switches back and forth between two narrators, Lottie and Fliss, who are also sisters. Lottie has been going through relationship after relationship, and Fliss, who takes on a motherly role, is in the middle of a bitter divorce. The story follows the two women through an interesting wedding story as Lottie goes through a phase of self-discovery, and Fliss learns to let go of many things in her life to be happier.

I’ve read all of Sophie Kinsella’s books (she is most notably known for Shopaholic), and this was definitely one of my favorites. One thing I loved about the story was that it wasn’t one that I knew how it would end. I mean, true, I figured out a few things, but the whole story itself really took some time to reveal. Honestly, I could not put it down!

What’s a good book you’ve read recently?

What’s your favorite genre of book to read?

If you could pick any book to be turned into a movie, what would you pick?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.