Aamer Rahman is a comedian from Australia who was tired of hearing racists talk about free speech when they make their racist comments. So, instead of just sitting back and listening to racists talk about free speech, he took the microphone and decided to discuss free speech himself.
We have embedded the video in this post and it lasts for just about two minutes. This video is definitely worth your time, so be sure to give it a watch when you have the chance.
His act is full of sarcasm and wit, which makes it so entertaining, especially when he speaks on the subject of racism in Australia. Rahman ends his bit about racism with the following, poignant comment:
“Really. Who represents racists? Besides the government, who represents… besides the government and a few major national news outlets, who represents racists? I was watching the news the other day, I had to switch it off. I was shocked. I was like that news report was only like, 90% racist. Like, when are we going to stop silencing racists? When are we going to stop oppressing white people in general? When? And I know that’s quite controversial for me to say because I’m not white, so not my struggle, but . . .”