Summary: SorinRand, a leading boutique law firm for start ups and emerging tech companies ins joining forces with McCarter & English. The new firm would continue with the name of McCarter & English and will now have approximately 425 attorneys across nine states. The merger is effective from October 1.
David J. Sorin, managing partner of SorinRand, will become managing partner of McCarter’s new East Brunswick office and the head of McCarter’s expanded Venture Capital and Early Stage and Emerging Companies practice. “We represent two of New York’s 10 most active venture capital funds and several of the fastest growing entrepreneurial enterprises in New Jersey and New York,” said Sorin. “But our services to them were limited … as part of McCarter & English, we can offer our clients a complete array of subject matter experts ….”
SorinRand attorneys joining McCarter include 11 corporate attorneys, three intellectual property attorneys, to employment attorneys and one litigation attorney. They will practice from SorinRand’s old office in East Brunswick, and from McCarter’s New York office.
McCarter & English, one of the oldest law firms in the country and with a reputation for being a litigation powerhouse, has seen its corporate practice double in the last two years, with the SorinRand transaction following substantial growth in New York, Boston and Philadelphia. Meanwhile, the firm’s intellectual property practice has doubled over the last four years to include 105 attorneys, patent agents and technical specialists, of whom 29 hold PhDs.
Stephen M. Vatjay, Jr., McCarter’s managing partner said, “Law firm combinations work when the two firms share core values, service-delivery models and pricing, and that is the case here … Our combined client base will receive boutique attention from a full-service firm.”
While praising the combination, Vatjay said candidly, “On a purely business level, we anticipate that SorinRand’s clients will be a new source of customers and suppliers for existing McCarter clients, and McCarter’s clients should represent a new source of financing, exit options and customers for the SorinRand clients coming aboard.”
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