Summary: A son decided to come out to his mother and record the whole thing. What he didn’t know was that she had a secret of her own that she would share with him.
It can be scary to come out to a parent, friend, sibling or guardian. Many people fear that they will lose the love they once had, their relationships will come to an end or they will be threatened with violence or thrown out of the house. We have found a video of a son coming out to his mother and have embedded it in this post.
The son comes out to his mother, who then offers up a secret of her own. The reaction of the mother is not surprising, but it is not the norm of what has been going around the internet lately.
At the end of the video, the mother asks her son if anyone else knows about his sexuality. He says that she is the first family member to find out, but a lot of his friends know. She said that some family members might give him some trouble, but all-in-all, they would accept him and his lifestyle.
Take a couple of minutes out of your day to watch this video. There is some brief inappropriate language, so be careful where you watch it.