Categories: Law Life

You Won’t Believe These Roads

You Won’t Believe These Roads

death defying road

Summary: Amazing pictures of unconventional and seemingly dangerous roads.

So often car commercials rev up the music and tell you what incredible feats their cars can do, such as whizzing through some artificial obstacle course, unlike anything real you’ll find on the road. Though you paid for all that extra engine power, and though you could, if you so chose, do a little drag racing, all that extra muscle is going to waste.

That is, unless you live around one of the areas in the pictures below. These unique roadways would make good shots for such daredevil car commercials: they appear to require some daring and prowess to manage, or at least a strong stomach.


A roundabout is annoying enough. A roundabout over a precipice intensifies the endeavor.


Some roads have a “Soft shoulder.” Others have a “wet shoulder.”

Amazing, isn’t it, how dry and clear the road looks, surrounded by a two story sheet of snow and ice.

This sea road seems to combine high-sailing with the daily commute.

This road track looks like a Hot-Wheels setup.

This sinuous roadway looks as doubled up as a boa constrictor.

This death-defying roadway, the Millau Viaduct, connects Paris and Barcelona, the tallest bridge piers in the world at 240 meters high.

Daniel June: Daniel June studied English literature at Michigan State University, graduating in 2003. Working a potpourri of jobs since, from cake-decorator to proofreader, his passion has always been writing, resulting in books of essays, novels, and children’s novellas.