Categories: Law Life

The 15 Most Adorable Mixed Breed Dogs

The 15 Most Adorable Mixed Breed Dogs

Summary: A dog’s love is unconditional, whether you purchase your pup from a breeder or decide to rescue a dog from a shelter. No matter what your canine preferences are, you can’t deny that these fur babies are all adorable!

1. Corgi & Dalmation

The 15 Most Adorable Mixed Breed Dogs

This nugget-sized version of the Dalmatian will turn heads and be your new best pal.

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2. Chowsky: Chow Chow & Husky

The 15 Most Adorable Mixed Breed Dogs

You may need to invest in multiple forms of fur removal if you’re planning on adopting one of these dogs, but they look like great snugglers!

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3. Wolf Dogs

The 15 Most Adorable Mixed Breed Dogs

While this dog may have an intimidating name, these dogs are very loyal to their owners and are extremely smart.

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4. Labsky: Labrador & Husky

Look at those eyes! This mix is sure to be a family favorite.

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5. Pomsky

The petite size of the Pomeranian mixed with the beautiful coloring of Huskies makes for one stunning mix!

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6. Frug

This little guy is a mix of a French bulldog and a Boston terrier. His little face is sure to get him out of trouble from time to time!

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7. Corgipoo

This little ball of fluff is a mix between a corgi and a poodle.

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8. Chiweenie

This dog is just as cute as its name: a cross between a Dachshund and a Chihuahua!

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9. Golden Dox

This pint-sized breed has a golden retriever and a Dachshund as its parents.

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10. Jackaranian

We’re sure that there’s never a dull moment with these puppies–they are a mix between a Jack Russell and a Pomeranian!

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11. Yorkie Poo

These spunky little puppies are mixes between Yorkshire terriers and toy poodles, and are little balls of energy.

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12. Gollie

This loving breed is a mix between the well-loved collie and the golden retriever.

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13. Puggle

A beagle and a pug create this happy little dog.

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14. Labradoodle

Pair a Labrador with a poodle, and you have a Labradoodle! These dogs are known for being very sweet, and are great for owners who may have allergies.

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15. Shih-poo

This breed is a cross between the poodle and the shih-tzu, and are rumored to be loving and playful.

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Noelle Price: