Summary: The United States Supreme Court boasts three justices from Yale Law School. All three attended an event at the school on Saturday to receive the Award of Merit.
On Saturday, three Supreme Court justices who graduated from Yale Law School returned to hold court, according to a story in the Washington Post.
Clarence Thomas (1974), Samuel A. Alito Jr. (1975) and Sonia Sotomayor (1979) attended the event in Woolsey Hall.
“I wish that I came here at a time when I could have been more positive because there was so much here that I walked right by, that I closed my eyes and my heart to,” Thomas said.
The three justices were given the Award of Merit from the law school during the event.
Both Thomas and Sotomayor talked about how they were not prepared for what Yale Law School had to offer them. Neither justice knew that it was an option to clerk for a federal judge after graduating from law school.
“I must admit I did not get as much out of the law school as I should have, and that was simply because of my attitude,” Thomas said.
“Clarence,” Sotomayor, “I really didn’t know how to take full advantage of the law school.” Despite finishing Princeton with honors, she said, “I got to Yale, and I learned a deep sense of humility.”
“Yeah,” Thomas said. “Oh, yeah.”
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Image credit: New York Times