Summary: If you have noticed that in the month of November a lot more men become hairier, it is because of the Movember movement.
If you have noticed that in the month of November a lot more men become hairier, it is because of the Movember movement. Men grow out their mustaches, beards and goatees in order to raise money and awareness for men’s health issues such as prostate cancer.
One of the most popular songs over the past year has been ‘Let it Go’ from the Disney hit “Frozen.” Well, a couple of men decided to write a parody of the song called ‘Let it Grow’ for the Movember movement.
We have embedded the video for you in this post.
Some of the lyrics from the parody song are as follows:
“The fur grows brown on the Jolly tonight, not a razor to be seen. A kingdom of gentleman, and it looks like I’m the king. The hair is sprouting like this manliness inside, couldn’t keep it in, Jesus knows I tried. Don’t let them trim, don’t let them shave, be the burly man every girl will crave. Don’t sheer, don’t fear, just let them know you’re letting go.
Let it grow, let it grow, can’t hold it back anymore. Let it grow, let it grow, shaving clean is such a chore. I don’t care what my boss will say, let the beard flow on, the itch never bothered me anyway.”
Are you taking part in Movember? Use our poll below to share your thoughts.

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