Summary:Â Diane Guerrero, known for her work on “Orange is the New Black,” tells a chilling story of her family’s deportation when she was only 14.
At the age of 14, Diane Guerrero came home one day to find her house completely empty. Dinner had already been started, the lights were on, but no one was home. Her family had been taken into custody and then deported from the country.
Her family first came to the country from Colombia, living in New Jersey. They moved to Boston not soon after. Diane was a citizen of the country, which is why she was permitted to remain.
To read more immigration-related stories, click here.
She went on CNN recently to discuss an op-ed piece she wrote this week in the Los Angeles Times.
Guerrero ends her interview on CNN with the following heartwrenching comment:
“It’s tough. It’s like we’ve been separated for so long that sometimes I feel like we don’t know each other. It’s difficult because I have grown up without them and there are things about them that are new. That I don’t recognize. It’s just, it hurts. But I love them so much. I just hate that they have gone through this. And I know, I’ve been by myself but I feel they have lived a very lonely existence. I’m sorry. It is so, what people don’t realize is that it is so difficult for some people to get documented and to get their papers and to become legal. And my parents tried forever and there are, this system didn’t offer relief for them. What I’m asking for is to create or find a solution for families.”
To read more stories about deportation, click here.
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