Summary: The market for real estate associates is currently on fire, and you need to act now if you’re considering a move.
We saw a real estate candidate this morning (from a second tier law school) that has been at 3 major firms in less than two years since graduating in 2012—each a succession of better and better firms. They are currently at a firm that traditionally hires people only in the top 5% of their class FROM TOP TEN LAW SCHOOLS.
This is “not normal” and only occurs when a market is WHITE HOT.
Obviously, the market for real estate associates is extremely active. There are certain times in your career when you are more marketable than you normally would be due to market forces that align with your practice area—and that time is now. You need to act when the market is hot.
In early 2000, the corporate departments of major New York and Silicon Valley law firms were STACKED with junior attorneys from fourth tier law schools. There was such demand for corporate attorneys that it was not uncommon for law firms to just do a phone interview of a candidate from out of town and then issue an offer letter. I made 20+ corporate attorney placements in Silicon Valley in less than 6 months during that time. In one case, one major Silicon Valley firm put a second year candidate of mine (a Rutgers law graduate—in the middle of his class) from a small law firm in New Jersey up in a $3,000/night suite in San Francisco while he was interviewing there (he turned down the job!).
You need to move FAST when your practice area is really active.
Real estate associates are very marketable right now. If you are considering a move or different firm – now is the time to act.
You can see our openings here: Browse Real Estate Attorney Jobs on BCG Attorney Search
You can reach us toll free at 800-298-6440.