Categories: Law Life

Don’t Let Fear Stop You From Becoming Who You Want to Be

Summary: Trust me, no one is paying as much attention to you as YOU are, and if they are – who cares? Learn to overcome your fears and you will go far.

Are any of you gym-goers out there? I know some people are in love with their gyms and spend hours there every week, while others have never stepped foot into one.

I had never joined a gym until I moved to Chicago and the winter hit. Being new to Chicago there was no way I’d continue my running in freezing temps (now I will!) so I knew I needed access to a treadmill. What I didn’t realize was that I’d get a ton of other great things: free weights, heavy weights, access to personal trainers, group classes and tons of cardio machines!

When I joined my gym, not only did I get a warm place to run in the winter, but I also discovered weightlifting and got over my fear of trying new workout classes alone.

I know it can be really intimidating to join a gym, especially if you’re new to fitness. I used to worry so much about going to the gym when I gained a little weight because I felt like I didn’t “fit in.” But you know what? No one fits in!

Dont Let Fear

Although there are very in-shape people there, there are also people there who are new as well, or very out of shape, and everywhere in between! It’s so important to not let your fear of what other people might think of you keep you from doing the things you want to do!


This sentiment applies to so many other parts of your life as well: want to join a new church? Volunteer with an organization you admire? Join a book club or some other kind of meet up group? Take a class at a community college?

Don’t let your fears stand in your way of becoming the person you want to be. Trust me, no one is paying as much attention to you as YOU are, and if they are – who cares? You should be proud of yourself for stepping out of your box and trying something new: focus on yourself and don’t let your fears or anyone else stand in your way.
