Categories: Law Life

A Glimpse into My Life Right Now

Summary: Here is a brief glimpse on what is happening in my life right now.

A look into my life, currently:

Current book: The Goldfinch


This one has been on my “to read” list for a while and I got a copy for my Kindle from the library! It’s a long book, but I’m chipping away at it. So far I am incredibly intrigued by the story and I love the writing.

Current music: Taylor Swift day and night. Obsessed with her new album 1989.

Current guilty pleasure: Married at First Sight: The First Year.


My friends somehow got me into this show and now I am HOOKED. I just love rooting for the couples, they’re so cute!

Current nail color: Essie’s Tuck It In My Tux


Current drink: Water! Basically I drink water, coffee and Shakeology all day long.

Current food: Sweet potatoes, roasted broccoli, sunflower seeds, apples and anything from Love Grown Foods.

Current shows: Well, I already mentioned one … I actually don’t watch much TV anymore. I keep up with The Bachelor right now, and How To Get Away With Murder is back on so I’ll start watching that!

Current wish list: More SLEEP! But who doesn’t wish for that??

Current needs: My bed? It looks like I’m following a trend here. I do need some new bedding though, mine is all too many years old … I’m ready for something fresh and new!


Current triumphs: Doing way better than I imagined in my first month of being a Beachbody Coach!

Current celebrity crush: Ryan Gosling, as always. Although, Zac Efron is looking pretty cute these days …

Current blessing: My friends! They have been especially awesome these past couple of weeks and I couldn’t imagine life in Chicago without them!

Current outfit: See for yourself!

Current excitement: THE WEEKEND!

Current mood: Pretty darn good. 🙂
