Categories: Law Life

It’s Okay…

Summary: We all have our “messy” parts of life, and that’s what makes us unique and interesting, so embrace that! Here are a few things that I think “it’s okay” to do.

Quite often in life we feel the need to appear a certain way in front of other people; we want to look like we know what’s going on, we have it all together. We want to look “perfect.” But you know what? There’s no such thing as perfect. We all have our “messy” parts of life, and that’s what makes us unique and interesting, so embrace that! Here are a few things that I think “it’s okay” to do:

It’s okay … to act ridiculous in public.


It’s okay to be proud of your faith.

It’s okay to have a messy apartment.

It’s okay to wear fake eyelashes


It’s okay to love Show tunes.

It’s okay to eat pizza.

It’s okay to take selfies.


It’s okay to prefer reading over television.

It’s okay to prefer sleeping over going out.

It’s okay to go to the kiddie booth:

It’s okay to be single.

It’s okay to be such a great dancer that everyone is jealous of you.

It’s okay to have horrible hair days (all the time).

It’s okay to not care what your hair looks like.

It’s okay to miss your brother’s dog when they move away.

It’s okay to not wear make-up.

It’s okay to wear leggings as pants. (YES IT IS!)

It’s okay to love yourself.
