Categories: Law Life

Here’s What’s Happening in My Life in March

Summary: Here is a look at what is happening right now in my life this month.

A look into my life, currently:

Current book: Still Alice


I wanted to read this one before I saw the movie and it’s really interesting and so sad! I really never thought about the consequences of an Alzheimer’s diagnosis before.

Current music: Still … Taylor Swift day and night. Obsessed with her album 1989.

Current guilty pleasure: Going to bed at 8:30pm. No joke.

Current nail color: Essie’s The Perfect Cover Up


Current drink: SHAKEOLOGY! In love, per usual.

Current food: Sweet potatoes, apples, spaghetti squash, broccoli, starbursts and sunflower seeds!

Current shows: None. I even stopped trying to catch up on the Bachelor. I’m just not into TV right now! So weird for me.

Current wish list: Warm weather! Like every other person north of the Mason Dixon Line!


Current needs: My bed? I’m so tired right now! I need a morning nap …

Current triumphs: Doing well at work! We put on an event last week and I was so glad that everything went smoothly!

Current celebrity crush: Ryan Gosling. As always. Don’t expect this to ever change!

Current blessing: My friends! They have been especially awesome these past couple of weeks and I couldn’t imagine life in Chicago without them!

Current outfit: See for yourself!

Current excitement: THE WEEKEND!

Current mood: Stressed but optimistic … About the WEEKEND!
