Online Directory of All Highest State Courts

Summary: Lawcrossing.com has compiled a directory of supreme courts and/or court of criminal appeals for all US states and territories.

See “Directory of Highest State Courts” to view the full list.

A directory on Lawcrossing.com includes listings for all 50 states and the U.S. territories of the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, and Guam. The directory lists the website, address and phone number of each court as well as the justice and chief justice names.

In most circumstances, the highest court for each state exclusively hears appeals of legal issues and does not make any findings of facts or hold trials. Since this is the court’s main function, some states use the title Court of Appeals.

When a state has both courts, the differentiation generally lies with the court of criminal appeals being the highest court for criminal cases and a state supreme court as the ultimate judicial tribunal in the court system of a state or territory. Texas and Oklahoma have a separate supreme court and criminal appeals court listed on the directory.

The Court of Criminal Appeals in Texas has final jurisdiction over all criminal matters except juvenile proceedings. The Texas Supreme Court has the final word on all civil matters including juvenile proceedings that may involve a criminal act.

Source: https://www.lawcrossing.com/article/900044985/Directory-of-Highest-State-Courts/

Photo: wikipedia.org

Amanda Griffin: