Categories: Law Life

What’s Happening in My Life This Week in July

Summary: Here is a brief look at what is going on in my life in July right now.

A look into my life, currently:

Current book: Trails of Broken Wings by Sejal Badani


I’ve only gotten started with this one but I know it’s going to be good. It tells the story from the viewpoint of a mother, as well as her three daughters. The mother and the oldest two immigrated to the United States from India with their husband/father, and the youngest daughter was born in the United States. I’m really intrigued so far!

Current music: I actually haven’t been listening to music very much! I tend to go into random phases where nothing seems to fit my mood!

Current guilty pleasure: Quest Bars. Y’all, I am addicted to these things and they are SO expensive! Almost $3 per bar! So good…

Current nail color: Splash of Grenadine by Essie – never seems to change during the summer!


Current drink: Water. So much water. I’ve been so thirsty ever since getting back from Nashville!

Current food: Quest bars, Amy’s Frozen Meals, apples, cherries, almonds, Shakeology, beef jerky (don’t judge).

Current shows: ZERO. Unless you count webinars. I’m on such a high after our Beachbody Coach Summit that I’m all over training and learning more! No time for TV over here!

Current wishlist: I feel like a #girlboss. I’m not “allowed” to say this, but I’m honest with you all, right? A boyfriend. Or just a really good hug.

Current needs: SLEEP. I got zero sleep in Nashville, which made me sick, which now makes it hard to sleep. Not winning over here.

Current triumphs: Surviving Summit and having a BLAST! I also think it hyped things up for my business because now I have a lot more people interested in coaching!


Current blessing: My team. Yes, this is very coaching oriented, but I am so blessed to have such a kind, generous and creative group of women to work with.

Current drink: I think I gave this one away already, but WATER!

Current excitement: The weekend. Period. End of sentence. So ready to get some sleep in and some coaching work done! Oh and I’m dog-sitting this little cutie:

Current mood: Can you guess? Tired. So tired.

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.