Alternative Legal Careers for Attorneys

Below are some popular alternative career options for attorneys. For the entire list, be sure to check out the article at LawCrossing.

Below are some popular alternative career options for attorneys. For the entire list, be sure to check out the article at LawCrossing.

Summary: Below are some popular alternative career options for attorneys. For the entire list, be sure to check out the article at LawCrossing.

Harrison Barnes has penned an insightful article on alternative legal careers for attorneys that they may want to consider. Although most attorneys dream about courtroom battles and securing impressive settlements for their clients, the truth of the matter is that today’s market is grim and many attorneys find out that practicing law is not what they had hoped it would be.

The competition is tough, and only a minority of attorneys make partner at the largest law firms. Many attorneys also quickly realize that they are being paid to do a job, and that job is not always necessarily helping society.

For attorneys, the jobs below will be excellent alternatives to practice because a law degree will make them better candidates and the positions do not require one to pass the bar exam. To see all 60 jobs, be sure to check out the article, 60 Nontraditional Jobs You Can Do with a Law Degree (And Should Strongly Consider Doing).

Arbitrators serve as neutral third parties in arbitration hearings. These individuals review evidence and listen to testimony, and render a binding decision at the end of the case.

Read more about alternative careers for law graduates.

Many law professors have not taken the bar exam in the states in which they teach. If you enjoy researching the law and interacting with others, becoming a law professor would be a great fit.

Many bankers also have law degrees. Bankers must understand banking rules and guidelines and must apply them to their daily tasks. If you enjoy working with numbers, consider a career in banking.

A number of lobbyists also hold legal degrees. If you truly want to make a change in the community, then becoming a lobbyist may be your ideal career. These individuals have relationships with politicians and policy makers and understand what is necessary in proposed legislation.

Read about resume strategies for alternative careers.

Becoming a real estate agent is also an excellent alternative. Real estate agents must understand legal contracts, as well as the language of city ordinances and other local laws. Although some office work is involved, most of the day is spent meeting clients and showing them properties.

Foreign service officers represent their countries abroad. If you enjoy immersing yourself in other cultures, consider this career path.

If you enjoy reading and writing, a legal editor position may be perfect for you. Legal editors proofread and perfect pieces for legal publications.

Business analysts have important roles in companies and other organizations. These individuals plan and monitor company innovations and examine how the company is growing.

Many graduates have begun seeking “JD Advantage” jobs.

eDiscovery consultants help attorneys decide how to present pieces of evidence to the courtroom. These consultants also advise attorneys as to which pieces of evidence are relevant and appropriate for court.

As an attorney, you would make a great marketing director. Marketing directors lead marketing teams for various businesses, and facilitate communication between the various groups in a business to ensure the business is successful.

For the remaining 50 jobs, make sure to read the article, 60 Nontraditional Jobs You Can Do with a Law Degree (And Should Strongly Consider Doing).

Source: LawCrossing

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Noelle Price: